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Super Guarantee Amnesty (1)

What is the Super Guarantee Amnesty?

On 6 March 2020, the government introduced a Super Guarantee (SG) Amnesty. This amnesty was intended to give employers the opportunity to disclose and pay previously unpaid super guarantee charge (SGC), including nominal interest, they owe their employees, for quarter(s) starting from 1 July 1992 to 31 March 2018. Eligible disclosures will not incur the…

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Business Support Fund Extension for businesses impacted by covid 19

Applying for the Business Support Fund Extension & Jobkeeper Payments

As you would be aware, Victoria has now entered into Stage 4 lockdown for 6 weeks. To help support your businesses through this period, here are some key support measures to consider:   1) August & September JobKeeper Payments If you haven’t previously enrolled for JobKeeper payments, NOW is the time to reassess your eligibility. All enrolments to…

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Stage 4 Coronavirus

Stage 4 Coronavirus Restrictions: Office Changes & JobKeeper Payments

Given the release of Stage 4 restrictions, we have some important information to share with you. Before we go into that, we wanted share our compassion and support for each of you who have been impacted by COVID-19. Whether it be closing your business or having lost your job. We understand that the next 6…

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work-related travel

Claiming Work-Related Expenses | Part 3 – Other Popular Deductions

Hello everyone, Continuing our series on work-related expenses, this week we wanted to talk about a couple of other popular items people try to claim in their tax returns. These include work-related travel, clothing, phone & internet, education and “working from home” expenses. If you have not read our first 2 articles of the series,…

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Kyle - CPA Congratulations (1)

Congratulations Kyle, You’re now CPA Certified!

Today we wanted to take a moment to congratulate Kyle Adams, one of our esteemed accountants at Knox Taxation and Business Advisory. 🥳 This week, Kyle received confirmation that he is now a qualified CPA Accountant, having successfully completed his CPA studies. By achieving this certification, Kyle has shown great perseverance, ambition and dedication. Especially…

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Do you need a MyGov account?

MyGov accounts are NOT compulsory | So, do you really need one?

In February 2020, legislation came into effect that requires all employers to start reporting their payroll through Single Touch Payroll from 1 July 2019. Employers were given until 30 September 2019 to start reporting without needing to apply for additional time. As an employee, these changes mean that your tax and super information is now…

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JobKeeper Scheme Extension

JobKeeper Extension: Here’s the details

JobKeeper Extension Update: Key Summary In case you hadn’t heard… The Government recently announced their intention to extend the JobKeeper Scheme post September (Yay!). This is great news, and will help to provide some additional relief for businesses and employees impacted by COVID-19 restrictions. Similar to the first round, there will be certain conditions that…

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Cyber Security - what you need to know!

Cyber Security Alert: What to look out for

New alerts on cyber security have been released this year. With all small businesses being reminded about the importance of keeping an eye out for scams and hackers at EOFY. As a business owner, it is critical to take simple measures to protect your business and personal information against phishers and scammers. Here are some…

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5 Tax Myths that could delay the processing of your Tax Return this year

There’s no doubt that 2020 has been difficult. However, organising your tax return appointment in July may not give you with the benefits you’re after. In some cases, rushing in to lodge early (because you’re expecting a tax refund), can become a hindrance for you rather than an advantage. As adapted from Tax & Super…

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Working from home business expenses including setting up your home office

Claiming “working from home” expenses at tax time (2019-20)

Lately, we have been asked many questions relating to COVID-19 and how it will impact claimable deductions in the 2019-2020 Tax Year. The reality is that there are going to be some significant changes. Especially given many of you have incurred additional working from home expenses, that you wouldn’t typically experience in your normal working…

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